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International Orientation Leaders

a woman sitting on a bench in front of a brick building


W​here are you from? 巴西

Where have you traveled to? I traveled to Uruguay, 阿根廷, 墨西哥, and around the 美国 like Las Vegas, 俄亥俄州, 肯塔基州, 纽约, 新泽西, 康涅狄格, 佛罗里达, 佛蒙特州, 和新罕布什尔州. 

Where in the world do you most want to visit and why? I want to visit Greece because of the history and the beaches! 

Why did you become an International Orientation Leader? I love to know new cultures and talk about mine. I love to connect with people and being able to help students in a situation that I've been in before. 

What are you most excited about for this new semester? I'm excited to be in classes focused on my major and to connect with professors that I admire. 



image of a woman wearing a red top


W​here are you from? Johannesburg, South Africa

Where have you traveled to? Australia, Thailand, Zanzibar, Dubai, and a few states within the US

Where in the world do you most want to visit and why? Europe, South America, and some African countries 

Why did you become an International Orientation Leader? to meet new people from around the world and learn a bit about them and where they're from/culture & 经历. 

What are you most excited about for this new semester? Expanding my friendships and relationships with the people I've met. 

image of a woman in a floral top standing on a sidewalk

Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics 

Where are you from? 尼日利亚 

Where have you traveled to? Dubai, Italy, England, Texas, Chicago, Atlanta, 纽约, Rhode Island.

Why did you become an International​ Orientation Leader? I became an IOL because I know how it feels to be in a new environment and I would love to take part in helping people have a seamless transition into BSU/USA. 

What are you most excited about for this new semester? I'm excited to take more classes in my major and gain more knowledge! 

image of a man standing in front of a large brick building with white trim
Ismael Kahiu

Masters in Public Administration
Concentration in Civic and Non-Profit 领导 

W​here are you from? 肯尼亚 

Where in the world do you most want to visit and why? I would like to travel to one of the Asian countries, preferably South Korea or Japan. 

What would you like people to know about you? Love of cycling, food, and role as the GA of the special education department.







Image of a woman standing in front of a field of sunflowers


Where are you from? Franklin, Massachusetts 

Where have you traveled to? I have been to 23 out of the 50 美国

Where in the world do you most want to visit and why?I would love to go anywhere outside of the US, but I want to go to Japan first to see where some of my family grew up in Kawasaki. 

Why did you become an International​ Orientation Leader? I heard of the position from ISSS because I was already helping out as their student office assistant and I thought it would give me a better chance at meeting international students and making new friends. 我是对的! I loved every minute!

What are you most excited about for this new semester? I am most excited to make time for my friends and make lifelong connections, but I am also excited to finally find what my passions are for my future career. 

Sreshtha Chatterjee


Where are you from? 我来自印度

Where have you traveled to? I have had the opportunity to visit 纽约, 新泽西, Philadelphia, and Miami. 

Why did you become an International​ Orientation Leader? To meet and learn from international students from all around the world. I am eager to learn about their diverse cultures and offer them my knowledge as an international student myself. 

What are you most excited about for this new semester? I am excited to explore 布里奇沃特 State University in new and different ways both academically and through work opportunities. 



International Student and Scholar Services

Dr. Edward Minnock Institute for Global Engagement
布里奇沃特 State University
布里奇沃特, MA 02325