
Room Selection Process

Room Selection Process Overview:

  1. Pay $250 room deposit to secure a space on campus
  2. 签署通过电子邮件发送到BSU邮箱的在线宿舍许可协议
  3. 可选: 应用 to living learning community or optional housing opportunity
  4. 可选: Form roommate group
  5. Participate in online room selection


Online Room Selection

选择不参加我们的生活学习社区的学生将从我们的在线房间选择过程中选择住房. 在这个过程中,新生可以从我们第一年宿舍的任何可用床位中选择.

Online Room Selection Rules and Requirements:

  • 参与, 学生不得在房间选择过程(llc)的另一个阶段选择空间, Optional Housing Opportunities, or Gender Inclusive Housing)
  • 学生可以在选择时间激活后随时选择房间
  • 学生可以根据他们的室友群体住在套房、房间或个人空间. 学生在选择房间时不需要填写套房或房间.
  • 学生可能 change their assignment after they finalize their selection. 请求将在每个学生有机会选择后被接受.

请通过508电话联系居住、生活和住房办公室.531.1277 or via email at reslife@lafouineuse.net


  1. Pay attention​ to Deadlines. Reminder emails will be sent regarding important dates.
  2. Always have a backup plan. Don't set your mind to one building or room configuration. Plan multiple options ahead of selection.
  3. Make sure that your group is fully formed prior to selection.
  4. All room selections are final. 在所有学生都有机会选择之前,房屋分配不能更改.


Gender Inclusive Housing

​​性别包容住房为居民提供了选择室友的机会,而不考虑个人的性别. This program is offered in Woodward Hall. 有兴趣在性别包容的生活环境中生活的新生可以选择在其宿舍许可协议中表明这一偏好.

During the roommate search/group formation process, 表示希望生活在性别包容环境的学生, 是否可以在没有性别限制的情况下寻找合适的室友. If student do 不 find a compatible roommate through this process, they can be returned to the single gender search process, by sending a request in writing to reslife@lafouineuse.net

居住生活和住房办公室(RLH)将在宿舍内确定可以容纳性别包容环境的楼层和房间. Due to building design limitations, gender in​clusive housing may 不 be available in every residence hall.


Additional Occupancy

有时,ladbrokes立博中文版对住房的需求超过了为住校学生提供的空间数量. 为了给尽可能多的学生提供住在校园里的机会, 大学将采用一些设计好的双人间,并临时增加第三张床. As space becomes available, 学生将有机会搬到一个永久的空间.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Room Selection?

房间选择是一个允许在校生为即将到来的学年选择宿舍房间的过程. 其目的是尽可能以最公平的方式为学生提供房间.

What if I have trouble logging into the application?

可以通过电话508在居住生活和住房办公室获得帮助.531.1277或电邮至 reslife@lafouineuse.net. We are working remotely during this time, but will get back to you.

Who is eligible to participate in room selection?


How are room selection times assigned?

所有符合条件的学生按年级和性别随机分配一个选拔时间. 大四学生优先选择,大三学生依次选择.

When my selection time is activated, how long will I have to select?

You may take as long as you like, 但要知道,下一次的活动也会有规律的间隔.

I paid a deposit but I will 不 be retuning to housing for next year. Can I give my selection time to a friend?

No, selection times are 不 transferable.

Can I get a single?

在挑选房间的过程中,可供选择的单人间数量有限. 如果在您选择房间时没有空房间,您可以在选择房间后填写房间更换申请表.

What if I am 不 available to select at my selection time?

You may select at any time after your selection time.

May I pull in friends to fill an entire suite/apartment in Crimson, DiNardo, 英里, 斯通豪斯, Student Apartments, 或魏刚?

是的. 在网上选择房间的过程中,你可以填满整个套房,尽管你不必这样做. 为了吸引朋友,首先你必须建立一个室友群,每个人都可以互相请求. 在你完成了你的选择之后,你不能再回到系统中去拉人.

I'm a returning senior. Do I get any special consideration?

No. You choose as a senior.

If I pay my room deposit early, will I get a better selection time?

It will 不 make a difference in your selection time. 但是,如果你没有在优先截止日期之前支付押金,你可能无法收到选择时间.

Can I change my room assignment once it has been made?

您可以在换房期间提交网上换房申请表. Every effort is made to accommodate requests, but there is 不能保证 that your request will be honored.

What is the Residence Hall License Agreement?

宿舍许可协议是学生要完成的第二步, after submitting a housing deposit. The Residence Hall License Agreement is found in each students' MyHousing 账户. 学生应该阅读完整的许可协议,因为它包含了对住校学生的政策和期望, 通过签署许可协议,您同意概述的条款和条件. In the license agreement student will also select their meal plan. 有关膳食计划的更多信息可以在停车和连接卡网站上找到.

Can I request a specific roommate?

是的, you may request a specific roommate. 请求可以通过组成室友小组的方式提交,所有请求必须是相互的(所有相关方必须提出请求)。. This process must occur before you select your space.

What is a "permanent" or "design" room?

一个“永久”或“设计”的房间是一个房间,总是打算容纳指定数量的学生. 例如, 一个永久的三人房总是打算容纳三个学生,并为所有三个学生配备家具. 在一些建筑物中,较大的内置壁橱由住户共享.

After I select my assignment, can I come and see the room?

Unfortunately, this can不 be arranged. Our office does our best to post pictures of spaces on our website. 如果您有任何具体问题,请随时ladbrokes立博中文版的办公室.

How do I change my meal plan?

你将在每学期选择你的膳食计划,如果你选择这样做,从每学期正式开学的第一天起的前五天里,你可以改变你的膳食计划选择. Only one change allowed per semester. 你可以在 MyHousing or by contacting the 停车 and Connect Card Office.

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